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This way your kawaii plush toy will be clean again

An accident is in a small corner. Before you know it, you will spill some food or drink on your favorite Rilakkuma or Sumikkogurashi soft toy or accidentally drop your soft toy on the dirty floor. Result: a dirty hug.

Fortunately, this can be solved! After reading this blog post you will know exactly how to clean your favorite cuddly toy(s).

What you need

  • 1 bin or bucket
  • 3 wipes
  • 1 towel
  • neutral detergent
  • fabric softener

How to clean your plush toy

  1. Put a little neutral detergent in a container (or bucket) of water and let a cloth soak in it for a few minutes.
  2. Take the cloth and gently wipe with this cloth over the dirty parts of your favorite hug.
  3. Then wet another cloth with water, wring it out and wipe off the detergent from the cuddly toy.
  4. Dampen another cloth with some fabric softener and wring it out. Gently tap the plush toy with that towel. This makes the material of the cuddly toy soft again.
  5. Gently pat the cuddly toy dry with a dry towel.
  6. Let the cuddly toy dry in an airy place.

Never put your cuddly toy in the washing machine, because it can lose its shape. Of course you don't want that! Cleaning can be done very well in the above way. ^_^

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